Tuesday, 1 February 2011


This is my plaque I sculptured from plasterline. It represents 'ye olde white hart' as its logo and was used in part of my Hull project. The plaque was masked using resin and left to create a pot-like version; this was then painted black and varnished to create gold, old-fashioned effect.

Analysis and Development

This is an example of the inside of a development sketch book. It shows research and analysis of different packaging, music artists, and cover designs. This helped me gain idea's towards my own design.


This is a photo of a lilly in my garden. I used this photograph within my photography unit and is so far my favourite photo.

Guerilla Design

This is my final piece for the Guerilla Design project. I made this design on google sketch-up for the inside of a container house. It features a open-plan living and dining area, hallway, bathroom, landing, outdoor balcony, and a big bedroom.

Experimental Mix-Media

This is a mix-media experimental piece based on the number four. I used a mixture of paint, paper, sticks, straws, pastels, and water to create this.

Sketch Book

This is a section from my natural form sketch book. It shows primary photographs, small studies of the fruit and vegetables, and progression into computer development (coloured peppers on the bottom right-hand side). I chose this section because I think it best represents a range of development skills and mix-media.
These ideas were later developed to create the collage below.

Oil Pastel Study

This is an oil pastel study of a bunch of tulips. I used a range of colours and white pastel to highlight the lighter areas within the image. This piece was created as part of my natural form project.